Call for Contributions

After the success of the last volume of Volume 6 on arts and creative practice, the IFF Feldenkrais Research Journal was on pause during 2021 and 2022 due to the global Coronavirus pandemic.  We are now pleased to announce the final publication of articles for Volume 7: General Volume: on the theme of Researching Diverse Applications

We continue now to gather papers for Volume 8, and begin collection of articles for Volume 9. Articles are welcome which address any aspect of research into the Feldenkrais Method and related ideas: research studies, hypothesis and theory, studies in progress, reviews, etc. See the Types of Articles we are interested in.

Volume 8: Special Volume: Approaches to Research
Hillel Braude, MD, PhD will be Guest Co-editor for this volume. What should we be researching, and how? We are seeking papers on research approaches and methodology as part of the ongoing discussion on how to study the Feldenkrais Method. See the announcement about this volume.

When to Submit

You can submit anytime. We are making use of continuous online publication: submit an article and it will be published as the editorial and formatting process is finished.  Volume 8 articles will start to be published during 2025, and completed by the end of 2026.

Submitting an Article

For submission requirements, length of submission, format, etc., see the Author Guidelines and Submission Checklist. You can submit through the FRJ website. While the review process of articles is blinded, part of the function of the FRJ is to support writing in our field – so if you have an article in mind, we invite you to get in touch with the Editors to discuss your ideas and suitability for publication in the FRJ. Write to:

Review Process

All articles are reviewed by at least two readers. They are asked to recommend if an article should be accepted as submitted or with small edits, whether it is suitable for publication with additional rewriting and editing, or whether it is not suitable. If there is a significant disagreement between reviewers, then a third and possibly a fourth reviewer will read the article. Resubmitted articles are again assessed by the original readers.

Final decisions about inclusion of submitted articles are made by the Editor(s). The Editors may be involved in a round or rounds of final edits with authors. Final drafts are proofread and checked by our Harvard formatting editor, and final formatting and referencing edits may also be sent to the author for resolution.

Our current regular reviewers are:

  • Cornelia Berens
  • Hillel Braude
  • Karol Connors
  • Diane Hanneman
  • Thomas Kampe
  • Zoran Kovich
  • Cliff Smyth

Other specialist reviewers are recruited for particular themes or articles.

Author Guidelines

The Author Guidelines and Submission Checklist can be found under ‘About’ => ‘Submissions’.


Submissions can be made using the Make a Submission button on this site.

Get in Touch

If you are thinking of submitting a paper, we invite you to let us know about the possible topics, authors, any sense you have of when it will be ready, and any questions you have about the submission, editorial, and publishing process. Please also check the Author Guidelines and Submission Checklist.

Please don't hesitate to contact us at:

Contributing to the FRJ Project

To create a quality Journal for the Feldenkrais professional field, which also engages with wider worlds of thinking, study, and practice, takes teamwork. We are pleased to have a team of ten Editors and Advisory Editors. Please join the team by:

  • writing for the Journal – yes, you
  • letting us know about relevant research, writing, or publishing
  • encouraging people in your networks, who may have something to write or submit, to consider doing it
  • promoting the Journal
  • sending us ideas and suggestions
  • letting us know if you have some resources that can help this important project.

We would love to hear from you with your questions and ideas.

Please email us at:

Cliff Smyth, Editor
for the Feldenkrais Research Journal Editorial Team